Float Like A Brick!

Woody, Trevor and Dr. Sexy have all returned to DDO. Being that I’m a little girl when it comes to peer pressure, I had no choice but to follow them. Because, hey, the COOL KIDS are doing it, and I want desperately to fit in! Of course if I knew the trouble I was going to have, I probably should have passed. Aw, who am I kidding, the trouble’s the best part!

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And So It Begins…

Posted In AC1

May 30th, 2000 • Comments Off on And So It Begins…

Here it is, my very first writing for AC I ever did. Sigh. Seems SOOOOO long ago…=P

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How To Have Fun On One Pyreal A Day…

Posted In AC1

June 13th, 2000 • Comments Off on How To Have Fun On One Pyreal A Day…

Okay, so it cost me a bit more…but this was a great deal of fun with some lugians and A Gigas Lugian – yes, he did have that stupid of a name. And yes, it fit.

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Summer’s Fun!

Posted In AC1

June 15th, 2000 • Comments Off on Summer’s Fun!

Really, the only thing this tale’s missing is Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta crooning at each other.

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Finally! A Worthy Job!

Posted In AC1

June 26th, 2000 • Comments Off on Finally! A Worthy Job!

So, I’m thinking – it’s not just a job, it’s an impersonation! Answering stupid questions, dealing with obnoxious newbies? Oh, I’m all over that!

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The Unthinkable…

Posted In AC1

June 27th, 2000 • Comments Off on The Unthinkable…

Yes, it’s true – yours truly actually has NO vitae! I couldn’t believe it either – must be a bug!

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Let’s all do the Ninja!

Posted In AC1

July 14th, 2000 • Comments Off on Let’s all do the Ninja!

What happens when someone is sucker enough to listen to what Kwip tells them? Well find out here – in the article that won Kwip a Golden Globe! Err….okay, so that’s not true at all. But it IS my most (in)famous article, at that. =P

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Why Is Believing I Suck Such a Stretch?

Posted In AC1

July 24th, 2000 • Comments Off on Why Is Believing I Suck Such a Stretch?

Some people just refuse to accept the fact that I could be anything less than god-like. Why, I have no idea. It sure as hell ain’t my fashion sense.

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