Float Like A Brick!

Woody, Trevor and Dr. Sexy have all returned to DDO. Being that I’m a little girl when it comes to peer pressure, I had no choice but to follow them. Because, hey, the COOL KIDS are doing it, and I want desperately to fit in! Of course if I knew the trouble I was going to have, I probably should have passed. Aw, who am I kidding, the trouble’s the best part!

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You’ll Catch More Flies With Logic…

Posted In DAoC

April 11th, 2003 • Comments Off on You’ll Catch More Flies With Logic…

Hrm. Apparently, you mooks are out of control.
See, Sanya recently cornered me. She said it was either talk to her about the name change, or she threatened to teleport me to the Mid capital city.
After the sixteenth time of me turning up at the bindstone ….

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Talk About Ruling a Town With an Iron Fist… How About a DIAMOND Fist?

Posted In AC1

April 14th, 2003 • Comments Off on Talk About Ruling a Town With an Iron Fist… How About a DIAMOND Fist?

You give a monster a name, and the stupid thing rules a town.
And to make matters worse, the thing’s got a girly name – Susanne or something – not even a proper evil woman’s name, like Evillynne or Elvira or even Joan Rivers.
But I’m getting ….

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I’m a Product of My Upbringing

Posted In DAoC

April 16th, 2003 • Comments Off on I’m a Product of My Upbringing

I’m worse than Pavlov’s dog, honestly.
I’m like Daffy Duck in the one cartoon – where as soon as someone rings a bell, he goes nuts and begins swinging at everything near him? Only I get beat up a LOT more.
The problem is that I’m conditioned ….

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Hey, YOU Left the Door Unlocked!

Posted In AC1

April 18th, 2003 • Comments Off on Hey, YOU Left the Door Unlocked!

I shouldn’t be left unattended.
I don’t know how many times I tell people this, but nobody listens to me.
“Don’t leave me alone!” I say. “Something’s going to explode!” I say. “I like to play with matches!” I say. But does anyone listen? Oh, no, they’re ….

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You Have To Admit, It Would Explain a Lot…

Posted In SB

April 25th, 2003 • Comments Off on You Have To Admit, It Would Explain a Lot…

I think I’m getting old.
No, no, it’s true. Suddenly it seems like I’m a cranky, difficult-to-please grumpy jerk.
I suppose I first noticed it when the whole ‘Bottom’ fiasco was going on. But now… now, I find myself dissatisfied with the quality of a game. For ….

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Shelters Are a GOOD Thing, It Would Seem…

Posted In AC2

April 30th, 2003 • Comments Off on Shelters Are a GOOD Thing, It Would Seem…

Remember when everyone was saying that AC2 wasn’t going to have NPCs?
There was a reason for that, as it turns out. It seems that while the rest of us hid deep underground in safe, armored and magicked bunkers, the race of people that were to ….

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They Kill People For That, Don’t They? Please?

Posted In DAoC

May 2nd, 2003 • Comments Off on They Kill People For That, Don’t They? Please?

We’ve all met someone like him.
Sometimes he’s on your side, sometimes, the enemies. Doesn’t really matter. It’s annoying no matter WHOSE side he’s on.
He had nothing to do with you getting killed, was nowhere NEAR you when you got killed, didn’t even see you GET ….

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Shadow, Shmadow, Looks Bright Enough To Me!

Posted In AC1

May 7th, 2003 • Comments Off on Shadow, Shmadow, Looks Bright Enough To Me!

This event has blown my mind.
I actually knew about the Shadow Worlds MANY moons ago – like back in the Sentinels and Advocates days. They existed back then. Sometimes one of the admins would get a little crazy and do something wacky like make everyone ….

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…Failure to Communicate!

Posted In DAoC

May 9th, 2003 • Comments Off on …Failure to Communicate!

Okay, I’m going to upset a lot of people here, so brace yourselves…
ROLEPLAYERS ANNOY THE HELL OUT OF ME. (Not just the idiots that appealed Bottom, I mean.)
Okay, okay, not every roleplayer. You want to roleplay that you’re Duncan McDoofus of the Wanker line of wizardry, hey, ….

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This Is A Sick Joke, Right?

Posted In AC1

May 14th, 2003 • Comments Off on This Is A Sick Joke, Right?

Don’t get me wrong.
I like the game.
I absolutely ADORE my fellow players. Yes, YOU, you big snuffleumpagus! *HUG*
Okay, that’s getting a bit carried away. I certainly do like going and getting Quix good and drunk so I can take funny pics of him.
But…a LARP? ….

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