Float Like A Brick!

Woody, Trevor and Dr. Sexy have all returned to DDO. Being that I’m a little girl when it comes to peer pressure, I had no choice but to follow them. Because, hey, the COOL KIDS are doing it, and I want desperately to fit in! Of course if I knew the trouble I was going to have, I probably should have passed. Aw, who am I kidding, the trouble’s the best part!

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To Find Is To Kill

Posted In AO

June 16th, 2003 • Comments Off on To Find Is To Kill

They might as well just scrap every other type of mission there is, as far as I’m concerned.
I don’t know why it is; I don’t pretend to be a psychologist.
Death says, “Yes you do! You do all the time! Just yesterday you were telling Anson ….

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Being a Team Handicap Isn’t Easy

Posted In Random Musings

June 18th, 2003 • Comments Off on Being a Team Handicap Isn’t Easy

You may not believe this, but I do try really hard.
Sometimes I think that the very laws of physics are designed such that no matter which direction I’m facing when I fire, the rocket will streak in a complete 180-degree turn and slam into my ….

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Me, and My Necro…

Posted In DAoC

June 20th, 2003 • Comments Off on Me, and My Necro…

I can’t even manage to play ONE character. Pretty sad, really.
I don’t even know how to use all of my spells as a Theurg. See, Pessum (used to be Bottom, remember?) made it all the way to 36th level before I let someone talk me ….

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Attack of the Killer Interior Designers!

Posted In DAoC

June 25th, 2003 • Comments Off on Attack of the Killer Interior Designers!

So there’s this city, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, called Avalon City. AC, to the hip kids.
It’s chock full of these wacky Drakoran guys. Basically, they’re walking alligators. Which can be a bit unnerving if you happen to resemble a walking TV ….

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Posted In AC1

June 27th, 2003 • Comments Off on Mag-MAH

I did a little research for the hunt tonite.
ex·arch (ksärk) n.

A bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church ranking immediately below a patriarch.

The ruler of a province in the Byzantine Empire.

Erm… So by my reckoning, this Magma Golem was either a bishop, or a Byzantine ….

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How Do They Figure They’re Helping You OR The Kingdom?

Posted In DAoC

June 30th, 2003 • Comments Off on How Do They Figure They’re Helping You OR The Kingdom?

I’m not sure if I’ve told anyone this, and I know it’ll come as a surprise to a lot of you, but leveling SUCKS.
It’s hard, because what I’d really like to do is sign on by myself for maybe 30 minutes a pop, get some ….

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Possibly The Greatest Idea EVER!

Posted In AC1

July 2nd, 2003 • Comments Off on Possibly The Greatest Idea EVER!

Just answer me this: HOW do these guys manage to keep their stores?
Let’s face it, when we first arrived on Dereth, it was perfectly acceptable to sell stuff and not know what the hell you were doing. None of us knew what we were doing, ….

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I Tend To Have That Effect On People

Posted In AC1

July 4th, 2003 • Comments Off on I Tend To Have That Effect On People

I have a presence.
It’s true. I never really thought about it before.
Oh, I mean, if I got on a crowded elevator with a bunch of little skinny people, you can bet they feel something. Usually, stark raving terror that we’ll get stuck between floors and ….

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Our House, In the Middle of… Ermm… Somewhere…

Posted In DAoC

July 7th, 2003 • Comments Off on Our House, In the Middle of… Ermm… Somewhere…

The first thing I noticed about the housing expansion is that it’s a killer.
No, seriously – it killed me. It went something like this:

Pessum (Me): “Hi guildmates! How can I get to our amazing new guild home?”Guildmates: “Hello Pessum! Simply buy a guild hearth scroll ….

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Can You Ever TRULY Go Home?

Posted In AC1

July 9th, 2003 • Comments Off on Can You Ever TRULY Go Home?

It’s been a loooooooooong time.
I mean, I would still log in, cruise around just to see where people were hanging out – but being on for any length of time? I haven’t done that since… Sheesh, I don’t even remember. I’ve been busy having fun ….

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