Float Like A Brick!

Woody, Trevor and Dr. Sexy have all returned to DDO. Being that I’m a little girl when it comes to peer pressure, I had no choice but to follow them. Because, hey, the COOL KIDS are doing it, and I want desperately to fit in! Of course if I knew the trouble I was going to have, I probably should have passed. Aw, who am I kidding, the trouble’s the best part!

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AC Pranks!

Posted In AC1

August 1st, 2001 • Comments Off on AC Pranks!

Do I really need to state that if you try any of these, we hate you, you’re stupid, we hope you die, don’t try this at home, etc, etc, etc…

Go to an Opera. When the fat lady with the horns and a spear comes out ….

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What does THIS button do?

Posted In AC1

January 12th, 2002 • Comments Off on What does THIS button do?

So I’m bored and intent upon adventuring. Usually, this would consist of me running through a town in various stages of undress and taunting the locals. But as I signed in, someone was kind enough to have summoned a portal near me. Well, as we ….

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The Truth Finally Revealed…

Posted In AC1

January 28th, 2002 • Comments Off on The Truth Finally Revealed…

Yes, it has been long enough. People deserve to know the truth about what happend that fateful night. Oh, sure, we’ve all heard the story – Fizzle claims he lost his house a full three days before rent was due. He has appealed to the ….

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Oh lordy, not ANOTHER crack pipe!

Posted In DAoC

February 9th, 2002 • Comments Off on Oh lordy, not ANOTHER crack pipe!

Well, after much brow-beating and harrassment from members of my guild from AC, I finally gave in and decided to try out this Dark Age of Camelot. I’ll tell you what REALLY did it for me, though: RvR. I LOVE the way that PvP ….

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Ah-ha! I am a SCOUT! Taste Death! Gah, I meant YOU!

Posted In DAoC

February 18th, 2002 • Comments Off on Ah-ha! I am a SCOUT! Taste Death! Gah, I meant YOU!

I don’t get it.
I mean, I FINALLY battled enough frogs to make it to level five. I have saved every snippet of frog legs that were dropped to afford a trip to Camelot. I get there, get accepted into my profession (Scouts, for those of ….

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Wait, WHAT Hormones Are You Guys Using?

Posted In Random Musings

March 25th, 2002 • Comments Off on Wait, WHAT Hormones Are You Guys Using?

It is a well-known fact that I love scientists. Especially those crazy ones that come up with far-flung ideas and really blaze trails. But recently, a new study has me a bit nervous:

=====================From Reuters==========Researchers Near Human Trials of Multiple Sclerosis  Drug
SYDNEY (Reuters) Mar 12 – ….

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Time to Explore!

Posted In AC1

April 2nd, 2002 • Comments Off on Time to Explore!

Well it’s about time. There’ve been so many new things added to Dereth that I just haven’t gotten to see yet! I think the last update that I saw most of the things added was…ermm…December…of ’99.
So I decide I AM GOING TO EXPLORE. Yes. Yes, ….

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Boys Are Different From Girls!

Posted In AC1

April 3rd, 2002 • Comments Off on Boys Are Different From Girls!

No, I’m not talking about being able to write our names in the snow.
Women are just…different.
Now, I’ve gone on at great length how important Kwipette is to me, how she is my soulmate and what great lengths I go to in order to impress ….

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Here It Is…

Posted In Random Musings

April 5th, 2002 • Comments Off on Here It Is…

 Oh, look, another year, another MS Walk, must be time for another tear-jerker story
Sigh. See, I don’t want these stories to be tear-jerkers. Honest. I want them to just be…I dunno, a little peek into our lives, what our hopes and ….

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